New Site Who Dis?
Hey everyone!
Long time, no see, dead site… amirite? I know it’s been a while since I’ve pretty much done anything besides work. And you know what, that’s a good thing.
It’s allowed me to grow and learn so much to be able to get the stuff I need to done. I know I let the old site kinda crash and burn, and I have some small regrets about that. But I am excited that the new ruffiØ site is now up and running and I can get things back to normal around here.
I want to not only showcase the music I have created, but the projects I have been working hard on. I want to open up this blog and be able to speak my mind so I can finally get things out of my head and onto some form of documentation. (my wife don’t want to hear my nerdy shit.. I mean let’s be real)
I hope to see you around here in the blog and in my chat when I stream on Twitch. I have a bigger welcome post coming soon… kinda like a post mortem of the old site.
See you soon & one love
– ruffiØ